Friday, April 4, 2014

Multiple Math Minutes

This past week students enjoyed a couple new math activities.  To practice/review balanced equations, students LOVED playing "Scoot'.  We also listened to stories about quilts and then it was time to start making some!
To begin our quilt activity each student was given 4 paper squares and I projected a quilt pattern on the white board.  Students would 'See it' then 'Make it'.  As students matched my pattern, they could walk around and share their strategy with others.  As the activity continued, I gradually added more squares to each pattern until they were using 9 squares!  This activity was quite challenging but the students didn't give up.  They were determined to match mine!  Students then had the opportunity to create and name a pattern of their own (just like in stories I read).  They had a friend make their quilt pattern then added their square to our class quilt.

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