Friday, January 31, 2014

Snowy Day

Inference can be a difficult concept for students.  To practice this comprehension strategy, we did a great class activity (thanks to Ms. Mullins) where students became Inferencing Investigators  The 'case'  involved a mother who wanted to find out where her son and his grandmother were. So each group was given a case file with clues to help solve the case.  What fun!  I just love the collaboration, team work and excitement by everyone!
Oh, by the way, they solved the case...and now have a better understanding of inferencing!

100's Puzzle

For math, each student was given a 100's chart.  They made groups of 5/6 connecting numbers and colored each group in different colors.  Once complete, they cut apart each section, mixed up the pieces and put the 100's chart back together again.  Then they found a buddy, switched puzzles and put together their buddy's puzzle.  Students were putting 4-5 puzzles together and enjoying every minute of it!  This was great practice and I was extremely thrilled as I watched students look for those patterns!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Pebble Go

Students used 'Pebble Go' to gain information on what life was like years ago.  Using the tabs, they were able to read and watch short informational clips explaining ones home, school and clothing along with the types of transportation and communication tools used in the past.  I loved listening to their conversations as they went through each category and made comparisons to the past and the world as they know it today.

Book Trailers

All this week I have been reading books to the class written by one of my favorite authors, Eric Carle.  So today I had the students choose their favorite book from Eric Carle, take a picture of the cover using the app Telligami, create a trailer giving a short summary about the book and then upload their 'gami' to Kidblog. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wonderopolis Wednesday

Before reading The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle, we checked out the website 'Wonderopolis'.  Today's question was...Are all ladybugs ladies?  The students recorded their wonders followed by a great class discussion...only to come up with more wonders!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Penguin Challenge

For the past week we have been learning about penguins and text features.  To incorporate these lessons, students made a non-fiction book based on information learned through the use of the internet as well as books.  Once their book was complete they scored themselves on the rubric,  followed by a conference with me where we discussed the writing goals they met and ones they wanted to continue to work on.

Because the students worked so hard on their penguin books I decided it was time for a little penguin challenge! Students were asked to create a penguin using limited materials and specific criteria, one of which it had to stand by itself.  Oh my goodness...such creativity!!!  Once their penguin was complete the students filled out a rubric to see if they met the challenge.  Check out all the pictures.  I think they did an amazing job!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Waddle Like a Penguin

As we continue to work on our non-fiction books about penguins, I thought it would be fun for the students to have some penguin experiences.  So they waddled, balanced an 'egg' on their feet and now have a better understanding of how blubber helps to keep penguins warm in the Antarctica.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Character Comments

Mrs. Walker's first grade class asked if we could help them with their character posts...Of course we want to help!
This past week her class discussed the importance of learning characters well in a story.  After reading a collection of books, each student in Mrs. Walker's class wrote a post describing one of the characters in a story.  In the meantime, I read the same books to our class.  After a class discussion on the different characters, my students then went into Mrs. Walker's class blog, read their buddy's post and commented back explaining which character they thought they were describing and why. 
Just love the collaboration between classes especially when we are hundreds of miles away!

How to Make a Jelly Sandwich

Writing is always more fun when you get to make it and EAT it!  Today I brought in materials needed to make a jelly sandwich.  Students were ask to make a sandwich, record each step on their sequencing sheet then take that information and put it into writing. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I always enjoy this time of year as we begin to learn about penguins.  To start our learning, students recorded what they knew about penguins using Padlet.  Next we had a gallery walk where I placed a picture on one of the 5 sheets of chart paper.  As students walked around they jotted down things they noticed and/or wondered.  After we shared and compared each chart, I pulled out my non-fiction penguin books.  Students gathered around reading/talking/sharing as they browsed the books.  I can tell they are just as excited as I am to learn more about penguins just by their engagement!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Patterns of Movement

In science this week we have been learning about patterns of movement.  We created a KWL chart, read books, sang a Science Rock song, and watched a Brain Pop Jr.  Students observed, recorded, and tracked the path of wind up toys to determine different ways objects move.  Then we spent a little time web surfing to gain additional information about movement and recorded our learning.  Next, I had them predict which car they thought would travel the furthest on different ramp surfaces. They tested their hypothesis and recorded results on their blog.  Finally, the class went on a scavenger hunt to look for items that could be pushed or pulled.  Students snapped pictures using their iPad, created a Pic Collage, uploaded it to their blog and explained the difference between the two movements.

Popcorn Party

We love D.E.A.R. time!  Total engagement daily!!  Watching and listening to them read during this time makes me so happy.  I just thought we needed to have a little popcorn party. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Community Project

In Social Studies prior to the holidays we discussed important characteristics of good citizens and how people can help others in our community.  Well, one of the girls in my class went home, wrote a letter requesting that our class do our part for the community by helping the local animal shelter and received principal approval the next day!
I am so excited to announce that today the project started to take shape!  She had recently visited the shelter and learned they are always in need of supplies for their animals (i.e. leashes, toys, blankets, food etc.)  On behalf of the shelter, her mother came and spoke to the first graders.  The students listened attentively as she spoke about their needs.  After her presentation, the students were so excited about the project and immediately got to work.  They wrote letters to their parents explaining their community project and made posters to hang up in the school.  There is nothing better then watching students work together for a great cause and the excitement on their faces when items are added to our collection boxes!

Busy working on their posters!

Friday, January 10, 2014

New Goals, Mitten Activities and a New App

To start the new year off we talked about goals and resolutions.  I shared one of my resolutions, eating healthier, and then asked the students to think of one goal they would like to make for themselves.  Once goals were recorded, the students made a 2014 flip book and a little craft to go along with the lesson.

Next up, I began reading books about mittens.  We did a variety of mitten themed activities in math, science and writing as well as compared different versions of the story The Mitten (one written by Jan Brett and the other by Alvin Tresselt). Because Jan Brett is a favorite author in our class, I decided to also read her book, The Hat and do an author study.  During our study we learned that Ms. Brett lives in Massachusetts with her husband and Buffy, their pet hedgehog.  She is author/illustrator for her books and often travels to different countries to get ideas for her writing.

Finally, to end the week I taught the students the new app, Venn Diagram.  With this app the students independently compared/contrasted Jan Brett's books, The Mitten and The Hat.  Once their diagram was completed they uploaded it onto their blog.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Guest Reader

Listening to one of my students read to the class always puts a smile on my face!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Welcome Back!

I was so excited to see my students Tuesday morning!  They were so eager to get back to class and reconnect with their friends.  I just loved hearing each one share stories about their break.  It sounded like everyone had a nice time but they were also ready to get back into our school routine.  Yay!