Friday, August 29, 2014
Busy working on fact fluency. XtraMath is one website we use in class to help strengthen this important skill.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
It's Wonder Wednesday!
On Wednesday's I start the morning with a wonder from the website, Wonderopolis. A picture is projected on the whiteboard when students walk in the classroom. They get their Science notebook and record anything they notice/wonder about the picture. Next, students pair up and share their thinking with a partner. Finally we watch the Wonderopolis video and listen as the article is read. Just another great way to start our morning...explore, imagine, share and learn!
Oh, and be sure to ask your child why school buses are painted yellow.
Oh, and be sure to ask your child why school buses are painted yellow.
Team Challenge II
A few days later we had another challenge using the cups. This time they worked with their partners stacking seven cups into a pyramid! They had a great time and it was lots of fun however, the purpose of this lesson was to have the students really understand the importance of communication and teamwork. This is something we will be doing a lot of this year as second graders!
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Cup Challenge!
Today was our first challenge! Students were put in groups of 4. Each group was given 4 plastic cups and one rubber band that had 4 pieces of string tied to it. The challenge.... stack the 4 cups without touching the cups OR talking!!! Oh my!!! After a few minutes we stopped and discussed what they had noticed. Students quickly complained that it wasn't working because they couldn't talk and therefore didn't know what others in their group were going to do. So, I sent them back with their group to try it again. This time they could talk. Working and communicating together sure made a difference!
Monday, August 25, 2014
Reader's Workshop
First Day!
We had a fantastic first day! To start the day off I had the students 'Figure Me Out'. Before students arrived I created a chart telling a little bit about myself...for instance...how many children I have, how long I have been a teacher, how many states I have lived in etc. BUT, the answers were covered up with a math equation. So. students worked in small groups, solved the math equation and then had to decide which question their answer, answered! Sound confusing? Really it wasn't! The students loved it and I was able to see how well they worked in small groups and how well they could solve math equations, all on the first day!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Meet the Teacher: Success!
What a fantastic night! I just met my new second grade students and their parents tonight at Meet the Teacher. I know it's going to be a great year. I can't wait to get started! See you Monday morning!