Recently in mathematics and science we have been learning about non-standard units of measurement as well as properties of matter. So I decided to let students create their own 'Wild Thing' however it had to meet certain criteria....body parts had to be specific lengths and it had to have different properties (3 different colors, shapes and textures). The students had so much fun creating their 'Wild Thing' but they aren't finished...tomorrow they get to write about it. What a great learning time!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wild Thing
After listening to the story Wild Thing by Maurice Sendak we discussed the books story elements (setting, characters, problem, solution) and shared our connections. Once everyone had a turn to share then it was time for a little a 'Wild Thing'!

Recently in mathematics and science we have been learning about non-standard units of measurement as well as properties of matter. So I decided to let students create their own 'Wild Thing' however it had to meet certain criteria....body parts had to be specific lengths and it had to have different properties (3 different colors, shapes and textures). The students had so much fun creating their 'Wild Thing' but they aren't finished...tomorrow they get to write about it. What a great learning time!
Recently in mathematics and science we have been learning about non-standard units of measurement as well as properties of matter. So I decided to let students create their own 'Wild Thing' however it had to meet certain criteria....body parts had to be specific lengths and it had to have different properties (3 different colors, shapes and textures). The students had so much fun creating their 'Wild Thing' but they aren't finished...tomorrow they get to write about it. What a great learning time!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Counting Smarties
Practicing place value and graphing is always more fun when using Smarties!!
For this activity students made groups of tens and ones, took a picture and recorded it in the app Skitch. Next, they were to create either a picture or bar graph to represent the colors of their Smarties. Once completed they had to write at least 2 things they learned from their graph.
For this activity students made groups of tens and ones, took a picture and recorded it in the app Skitch. Next, they were to create either a picture or bar graph to represent the colors of their Smarties. Once completed they had to write at least 2 things they learned from their graph.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Fire Safety Program
Tuesday morning the Grapevine Firefighters came to present their fire safety program to our student.
Be sure to ask your child about E.D.I.T.H. (Exit Drill In The Home).
Be sure to ask your child about E.D.I.T.H. (Exit Drill In The Home).
Friday, October 25, 2013
Red Ribbon Week
We pledge to be drug free!
During the week of October 28-November 1 our school will participate in Red Ribbon Week. This week is designed to remind students the danger of drug usage. Listed below are our dress-up days.
Monday-wear your Dove Shirt
Tuesday-wear sunglasses
Wednesday-wear mismatched shoes
Thursday-wear Texas Rangers shirt or any team jersey
Friday-wear red clothing and the Red Ribbon bracelet
During the week of October 28-November 1 our school will participate in Red Ribbon Week. This week is designed to remind students the danger of drug usage. Listed below are our dress-up days.
Monday-wear your Dove Shirt
Tuesday-wear sunglasses
Wednesday-wear mismatched shoes
Thursday-wear Texas Rangers shirt or any team jersey
Friday-wear red clothing and the Red Ribbon bracelet
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Talk a Mile a Minute
The students enjoyed the formative assessment, 'Talk a Mile a Minute' for this science activity. We have been learning about properties so I had the students use this assessment to show their understanding. To begin I partnered students and had them face one another. Then I projected a picture of an item on the white board. The partner looking at the item would describe the object naming only it's properties while their partner facing the other direction would try to name it.
Guest Reader
Our First Skype Call of the Year!
On Thursday, we had our first Skype of the year with a first grade class in Ohio. We are both reading, Marty McGuire for Global Read Aloud 2013. After a brief introduction the students shared questions for each other to answer about the book. We also spent a few minutes talking about each state and the differences
in weather temperature (Ohio - 46 degress, Texas - 79 degress). Hopefully we will be able to connect again with our new friends in Ohio!
in weather temperature (Ohio - 46 degress, Texas - 79 degress). Hopefully we will be able to connect again with our new friends in Ohio!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Punctuation Sort
Creating, reading, sorting and recording!! Oh, I almost forgot...ask your child to sing you our Punctuation song!
How Big is a Foot?
I read the book, How Big is a Foot? by Rolf Myller. In this story the Queen's birthday is only days away, and the King is concerned that the royal carpenters will not be able to build her a bed because they do not know how to measure. Following the story we discussed non-standard units and used a footprint to measure various objects with a partner.
Combinations to Ten
Students were given 2 sets of different colored multi-link cubes. Their task was to make as many combinations to ten as they could. After each combination they took a picture then download them all to Skitch. With this app they used the writing tools to identify each set and write the math sentence for that combination.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Write About This app
Last week we planted grass seed in cups using different soil (sand/playground/potting). Using the app 'Write About This' students took a picture, wrote and voice recorded themselves explaining the changes they noticed. I loved the connections they made with our previous Natural Resource lessons which in return lead them to write wonder questions. These questions were added to our class I wonder chart!!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Text to Self Connection
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Bat Books continued...
Students continue to work on their bat books. Most of them chose to write a non fiction book using the app 'Scribble My Story'. This app also gave them the opportunity to record themselves reading their book. They LOVED that option!! Next week... spider books.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
Natural Resources

When they were finished, each student completed a rubric evaluating their work as well as how well their group worked together. Then at the end of the day posters were shared with the class.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Math Game
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tomorrow they will begin writing their own non-fiction bat book. But before we get started, each student

Monday, October 7, 2013
Todays Meet
Before I began reading Chapter 3 of Marty McGuire, the students predicted what Marty was going to do after her teacher, Mrs. Aloi chose her as the princess in the class play. Each student posted their responses on Todays Meet. The students loved using this program to backchannel and receive immediate feedback from classmates about their predictions.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Global Read Aloud
I am so excited about the project we will be participating in, Global Read Aloud. This world-wide project is meant to connect students through the sharing of one book that is read aloud over the course of 6 weeks. The book selected for GRA 2013 is Marty McGuire. During this project not only will I incorporate many of our reading standards, but our class will also have the opportunity to connect with other first grade classrooms--one from Wisconsin and the other from Oregon. Prior to reading the first chapter we made predictions about the book, blogged and the class from Wisconsin commented on each students blog. In return we read their predictions and commented back on their blogs. On Friday, I also had them post connections they had with the first two chapters. As for next week we hope to Skype with the class from Oregon, create graphs as well as submit questions to the author, Kate Messner, as she plans to answer questions in videos that she'll post every Friday starting October 11th.
O.R.E.O. Project 2013

Observation Window
This observation window gives the students an opportunity to look at their world outside our classroom. Once observations have been made, students are invited to write and draw about what they noticed. Through these observations they are recording what they see, hear and wonder about in their world around them.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Soil Samples
Today the students were given 3 different soil samples. By looking carefully at each sample they were to look for clues that would help them identify from which location the samples were taken, playground, backyard or planted flower pot. After some discovery time, the students were grouped to discuss what clues helped them to make their decision.
Next week we will conduct a soil soak test as well as plant.
Next week we will conduct a soil soak test as well as plant.
Number Sense
Today the students played a game called Three Way Apple Math. The object of this game was for the students to use problem solving strategies to match apples with tally marks, ten frames and addition sentences to the correct number bushel. Math is always fun when you work in teams!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Going on a Rock Hunt
The students took pictures with their iPad of things in and around our school that are made of rock. Once they had their collection of pictures they created a collage using the app 'PicCollage' then posted it to their blog.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Objects in the Sky
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