Chilicki's Chatter... a second grade blog
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Monday, October 20, 2014
Google Earth
When learning about landforms, Google Earth was a great resource! The students searched, snapped pictures, labeled and created a collage using it. They LOVED it! Be sure to check out their landform collage in their drive.

Thursday, October 9, 2014
Place Value Practice
Today in math we continued to work on composing and decomposing numbers. I decided to have students use their manipulatives and the app PicCollage to show their understanding of this concept.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Counting Coins
We just can't get enough practice with counting coins so I decided to have the students create a Popplet to practice this skill. First the students grabbed 2 sets of coins and took a picture of each set. They added these pictures to Popplet, counted each set of coins then recorded that amount on their Popplet. Students then compared the 2 sets using the greater than/less than symbol then uploaded their work to their drive.
Communities...Rural, Suburban or Urban?
In Social Studies we researched communities. We read stories, listened to a Brain Pop Jr. and looked at photographs. We compared the 3 types of communities to each other using double bubble maps. The students also listened to the story, The Little House written by Lee Burton and created a T chart comparing the changes that were good and not good for the community. Afterwards students created a collage using pictures they found on the web, labeled the picture and listed characteristics of that community then added it to their drive.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Author's Purpose
Using the app Explain Everything and book club order forms, students showed what they learned about author's purpose.
Their job was to take pictures of book covers and decide if that book was written to entertain, inform or persuade. Then they recorded themselves into the app explaining their thinking then uploaded it to their Google Drive.
Their job was to take pictures of book covers and decide if that book was written to entertain, inform or persuade. Then they recorded themselves into the app explaining their thinking then uploaded it to their Google Drive.
Weather Report
Today students created their weather report and let me tell you they were excited! The students scanned a QR code which took them directly to the story, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett. As they listened I asked them to pay close attention to the meteorologists dialog as they reported the weather....Yes, I know Texas may have some wild weather occasionally but we don't have flying spaghetti, mashed potatoes and a course of meatballs three times a day!!
After a brief discussion about the story, students used the data they collected for the past week (temp., wind speed, cloud cover) to predict and create their own report. The students then chose a drawing app to create a self portrait of themselves, uploaded it to ChatterPix to record their 'report' and then uploaded that to their Google Drive. Lots of app smashing!
After a brief discussion about the story, students used the data they collected for the past week (temp., wind speed, cloud cover) to predict and create their own report. The students then chose a drawing app to create a self portrait of themselves, uploaded it to ChatterPix to record their 'report' and then uploaded that to their Google Drive. Lots of app smashing!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Today the students created season collages. They identified the importance of weather changes as well as how they use this information to make daily choices in their clothing, activities and transportation. They used this information and created their collage then posted it to their Goggle Drive.
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